Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Was Awarded!

I was awarded from Purple Pixie at The Unsocialized Homeschooler.

Put a link to who gave you the award
Put the award on your post
Choose 5 blogs to receive the award
Let them know you awarded them
Make sure to post this set of rules in your post

I Awarded:
Piper LaMore at Earbuds Are A Girls Best Friend
Laura Ashley at The World According to Laura Ashley
Tuki at Tuki's Blog
Green Bird at Green Bird's Postings
Amelia at AGR Photography

Thanks Purple Pixie!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sorry! (And Camping)

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting, but I was camping! We went to New Germany State Park in MD.
While we were there we also went to Deep Creek Lake State Park, Herrington Manor State Park, Swallow Falls State Park, Fort Fredrick State Park, and Dan's Mountain State Park. All of them where also in MD. My family does a thing called Park Quest. Park Quest is in the MD. state parks. The park rangers at the MD. parks set up a quest for people to do. When you are done you get a stamp in a little book that they give you. If you get ten stamps you can go to the thing at the end. All of the parks that we went to except Swallow Falls we did a park quest. This is our second time doing it. Last year we only did three or four park quests, so we didn't go to the thing at the end. I hope we can this year!